Fact #1 - Why we're afraid of the dark
First Post! ''Intro'' Hi Guys! I wanted to start a blog for only when it's Summer vacation. :) Only start from June to August and 4 posts each month from now to August :) In this blog I share what I find interesting and kinda explain it. And you know what? Not only you who's reading is learning, I'm learning too! :D One day I asked myself, why is everyone afraid of darkness? Well not everyone but when we were kids. So I went to Google and search and this is what I found ''Why we're afraid of the dark'' It's not the darkness that children find so terrifying, it's the fear of whatever monster under the bed that made the sound to begin with. It's obviously a evolutionary advantage. In humanity's early days our ancestors learned that many prelaters prefer to cover of darkness to hunt and over time and it strengthened into a subconscious absolute, stay out of the dark because that's...