Fact #6 - How to fall asleep

When the summer vacation come I always feel like I'm less tired.
Maybe because I'm not using my brain much. I'm also a ''home'' person so...
I wanted to fall asleep (Who don't want?) So I went and search :)

How to fall asleep

Sleeping isn't always easy even though you've done that millions time. 
Did you know you can ''prepare'' for sleep all day? 
You can affect how well you sleep at night from the moment you wake up in the morning!

Our brain wakes up because the lights tells the brain to. Lights also helps to regulate 
your biological clock and keep it on track.

Research has shown that people who are deprived (aviod) of light for long periods of time
experience dramatic chagnes in their sleep, temperature and hormons cycles.

So you should get sunlight early morning, between 6 and 8:30 a.m (exposure to sunlight
later does not provide the same benefit) and go outdoors for least one-half hour.

For more information

Found it on the internet, not garante that what I write is 100% true.
