Fact #5 - Why does meat turn brown when cooked?
Hello! So today's subject might not be ''friendly'' to everyone.
I'm going to talk about meat. So if you're vegetarian you might not be interesting in this artical.
My mom was making chicken and it was white (the meat) and then turning white
got me curious. This is a chemical reaction that happens
when we're cooking meat but do we even think about why this happen?
Why does meat turn brown when cooked?
The proteins within the muscle begin to break down when heat is applied to meat.
The ''breaking down'' process is called denaturation means something like ''changing''
(if I'm not wrong)
If the heat continues it will cause the denature (a process) to recombine and
turning opaque into color.
Simply explained! But if you want to read detail
Found it on the internet, not garante that what I write is 100% true.
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