
Showing posts from 2016

Fact #6 - How to fall asleep

When the summer vacation come I always feel like I'm less tired. Maybe because I'm not using my brain much. I'm also a ''home'' person so... I wanted to fall asleep (Who don't want?) So I went and search :) How to fall asleep Sleeping isn't always easy even though you've done that millions time.  Did you know you can ''prepare'' for sleep all day?  You can affect how well you sleep at night from the moment you wake up in the morning! Our brain wakes up because the lights tells the brain to. Lights also helps to regulate  your biological clock and keep it on track. Research has shown that people who are deprived (aviod)  of light for long periods of time experience dramatic chagnes in their sleep, temperature and hormons cycles. So you should get sunlight early morning, between 6 and 8:30 a.m (exposure to sunlight later does not provide the same benefit) and go outdoors for least one-half hour. For mor...

Fact #5 - Why does meat turn brown when cooked?

Hello! So today's subject might not be ''friendly'' to everyone. I'm going to talk about meat. So if you're vegetarian you might not be interesting in this artical. My mom was making chicken and it was white (the meat) and then turning white  got me curious. This is a chemical reaction that happens  when we're cooking meat but do we even think about why this happen?  Why does meat turn brown when cooked? The proteins within the muscle begin to break down when heat is applied to meat. The ''breaking down'' process is called denaturation  means something like ''changing''  (if I'm not wrong) If the heat continues it will cause the denature (a process) to recombine and turning opaque into color.  Simply explained! But if you want to read detail  CLICK HERE   Found it on the internet, not garante that what I write is 100% true.

Fact #4 - How to stop the cramp?

I've had a camp, and probably most of you had that too! I knew already is a sudden ''situation'' where your muscles ''pull together'' I don't know, something like that is what I've heard. But I want to how to stop the cramp (because it's so painful) so here is it! :)  If you're lying down / in bed try to stand up and put some weight on the affected leg/foot. You can use warmth/heating pads to increase blood circulation. Soak in a warm tub of Epsom salt and also help. For facts, causes and more detail cramps  CLICK HERE Found it on the internet, not garante that what I write is 100% true.

Fact #3 - Why do I sweat more than everyone else?!

I've always been a most sweaty person when we're doing sports and I wandered why so :)  Why do I sweat more than everyone else?! First, sweating is a neccessary process that cools down the body.  When our body starts to overheat our nervous system stimulates sweat glands (''open'')   to release perspiration (sweat) While the droplets evaporate off of your skin they take some body heat into the atmosphere.  Think of shower as the ''sweating process''.  When your skin is still wet it feels chilly but as the water dries it cools down your body. Sweat works the same way too. You cool down as it ecaporates. If you're sweating a ton all the time, hyperhidrosis can be genetic, and the sweating occurs only on specific body parts. Second type may be a side effect of other disease like diabetes or hyperthroidism, menopause or certain  meditations . please talk to a doctor to see if it could be hyperhidrosis.  For mo...

Fact #2 - Why can saltwater carry so well?

Hello!! Me and my family discussed about swimming :D And then I said that I'm not good at floating so my family say ''you should go to the sourest place and you'll float. And that questions came ''why do we float better in salt water? Why can salt water carry so well? First of all, we can float of WATER is because our body contain fat and if you've ever poured oil into water you'll know what happen :) Water below and oil above! So we are the oil. That's how we float on water. We float because our density is less then water. Basiclly we're lighter than water. Salt water have more density than water which mean it can ''carry'' even more. Salt water is heavier and more density because water molecule (H20) and salt bond better. Source Found it on the internet, not garante that what I write is 100% true.

Fact #1 - Why we're afraid of the dark

First Post! ''Intro'' Hi Guys! I wanted to start a blog for only when it's Summer vacation. :) Only start from June to August and 4 posts each month from now to August :) In this blog I share what I find interesting and kinda explain it. And you know what? Not only you who's reading is learning, I'm learning too! :D One day I asked myself, why is everyone afraid of darkness?  Well not everyone but when we were kids. So I went to Google and search and this is what I found ''Why we're afraid of the dark'' It's not the darkness that children find so terrifying, it's the fear of whatever monster under the bed that made the sound to begin with.   It's obviously a evolutionary advantage.  In humanity's early days our ancestors learned that many prelaters prefer to cover of  darkness to hunt and over time and it strengthened into a subconscious absolute, stay out of the dark because that's...